Bacon Bits

"Friends are the bacon bits in the salad bowl of life." -Anonymous, from

Sunday, October 09, 2005


Ok men, I have changed the settings so that only the five of us can comment. Now you won't have to wade through clumsily disguised advertisements to get to the real substance (of course, someone actually has to make a good comment before there is substance to reach...)

Anyway, I thought you would all like to know that the blood tests confirmed the horrible suspicion that I do indeed have mononucleosis. I know you have all been waiting on tenterhooks to hear the news. Your anguish is probably at this moment very great - I know you are all very empathetic people. If it will help you to assuage your grief, I will be accepting presents (or even just cheerful letters!) at the following address:

Edited because I realized it might not be the most superb idea to have my address posted on the internet... I am sure you have all written it down by now anyway!

Gifts of money will also be acceptable. Alright, now, despite my weakened condition, I must get back to my work... there is no rest for the weary!

Tuesday, September 06, 2005


Well, it's another absolutely beautiful summer day here in Sewanee... The sun is shining, not a cloud in the sky, I have no classes... I got up bright and early this morning to head over to the airport, only to get a call delaying my appointment for about an hour due to a minor little problem with the alternator in the rental plane, as well as the little matter of one of our airport's tenants crashing due to engine failure (don't worry, he is still alive though hospitalized). I calmly took advantage of the extra hour to have a little breakfast and do some poetry reading for my English class (I am quite industrious). Then, I headed on out to the airport... preflighted the plane, visited with a fellow pilot for a bit while my instructor wrapped some things up, then headed out to try to start the plane, blithely ignoring the pessimistic attitudes of those around me. It seems that most people did not feel that the alternator would have magically fixed itself, but I, being the optimist I am, gave the poor plane the benefit of the doubt, and waited to despair until the engine started and the volts light refused to turn off. Yes, that's right, after all that, it didn't work, and we couldn't go. It was horrifying. I haven't flown in a month, and the weather is absolutely perfect! I am so TO'd. (amazing that I am able to quote Napoleon Dynomite even through my hysteria and gnashing of teeth.) Phew, I feel so much better now that I have shared my pain... please, do not allow yourselves to be undully burdened by my sorrow; young hearts heal quickly. Until a better day, farewell.

Monday, September 05, 2005

Nada Mucho

Hi guys! I am so super psyched to have my computer back now, so I am spending hours upon hours avoiding homework on the internet. Right now no one is online (or they are away) so I don't have anybody to talk to in real time... I hope everybody who had the day off today (public school rejects) had a nice time at the lake. I myself was quite busy, and I am sure Krista's day was as thoroughly harrowing as mine. But that is cool, cuz we can handle it... Anyway, my suitemate has finally gotten off the phone with her mom... I think the whole dorm could hear her yelling. I have a blog for my spanish class this year, so now I am on 4 blogger blogs! (including the ones from last year, which have not yet been cancelled). I feel special, though, when I sign in and i have a big long list... Ok. I have just realized that I have nothing at all important to say. When I do, I will be sure to post again. I hope this post has not wasted too much of your lives...

Wednesday, May 11, 2005


HEY WHY AREN'T YOU FREAKS POSTING??? I got NO sympathy comments on my I'm sick post, and for you guys' information, I am STILL sick. And, being really bored because I am sick, I keep checking the blog for just a tiny bit of information about you guys... just a little something to brighten my feverish world. But no, nothing. I am sure you are all very busy with exams and such.... wait... you are OUT OF SCHOOL, so you have NO EXCUSE. That is all for now, but there will be physical violence when I get back if you all don't post.

Monday, May 09, 2005

I'm Sick...

Well, I am officially sick for the first time this year (ok, I had a bit of a cold at one point, but that doesn't really count). I have a fever and everything. So now we can feel sorry for me in addition to Amanda. The good news is I had my last exam this morning, but of course I spent most of the time encouraging my stomach to retain its contents. I had to cancel my flight today, about which I was very disappointed, since I was pretty much supposed to solo today. Oh well. Maybe tomorrow, if I am feeling better. Anyway, Amanda, I hope you are feeling lots better with your knee, and if you are not, you should get them to give you some rockin' pain killers, like Percoset or something. Or I am sure you can find some pot somewhere. You are, after all, a college student. Anyway, now I am through with my little pity party. Talk to you guys soon, I hope.

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Aloha mes amis

Hey hey hey!

I thought it had been entirely too long since someone posted, so here we go!

I am going to see Hitch tonight at our theater - it is three dollar night (yesss). We are going in celebration of the last day of classes!! I am officially finished with classes for my freshman year; unfortunately I still have to take exams (starting Friday). Grrrr. Everyone should keep their fingers crossed for my bio exam on Friday morning (which I haven't started studying for - !).

I suppose some of you are home already, right? Let me know what is going on, I feel so out of the loop! OK, that's really all I have right now... I am kinda tired. Hehe. POST!

Thursday, April 28, 2005


Ok, so I had totally written a whole post and then by the time I tried to publish it, the session had timed out and I lost the whole thing! grrrr

Anyway, it wasn't anything important. Mostly I was complaining about the fact that my mother (and I am sure my father is behind it) is making me get a part-time paying job in addition to my part-time non-paid internship. How horrid! I am going to have to work with incompetent people, doing some meaningless task solely for money... how is that going to in any way enhance me as a person?? Oh well. I suppose I shall live, if barely.

My other post was longer and had more than just complaints, but I am annoyed now, and it is time for me to go tutor (for the last time!). So, I hope everyone is having a lovely day/week, good luck with exams, and I hope my post inspires you to write something delightful to brighten my day!!